
Comparative table of products and dishes from llaollao. Sort by calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats or GI.

Measures per 100g // * per unit // ND - Not Available
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Food Calories Proteins Carbs Fats GI
Chococrêpe (crepe with chocolate, frozen yogurt and 3 toppings) llaollao* 350.0 7.6 54.4 25.0 ND
Frozen yogurt shake plus llaollao* 485.0 11.4 93.4 7.4 ND
Frozen yogurt shake with 2 toppings llaollao* 500.0 13.2 99.6 7.0 ND
Fruit fondue with dark chocolate syrup and yogurt ice cream llaollao* 152.0 2.8 20.1 7.7 ND
Fruitcrêpe (crepe with fruits, frozen yogurt and 3 toppings) llaollao* 255.0 5.5 53.4 12.0 ND
Hot chocolate with yogurt ice cream llaollao* 567.0 12.6 117.5 4.6 ND
Large Frozen Yogurt Jar with 3 Toppings llaollao* 394.0 9.8 80.5 5.1 ND
Lemon slush - medium llaollao* 306.0 11.0 70.1 2.6 ND
Lemon slush - small llaollao* 229.0 8.3 52.5 1.9 ND
Lemon slush with frozen yogurt and 2 toppings llaollao* 419.0 12.5 93.4 3.9 ND
Llaovasito (frozen yogurt with 2 toppings) llaollao* 121.0 2.1 26.4 1.1 ND
Medium tub of frozen yogurt with 3 toppings llaollao* 378.0 8.9 61.5 10.9 ND
Orange slush -medium llaollao* 270.0 11.0 52.8 6.6 ND
Orange slush with frozen yogurt and 2 toppings llaollao* 383.0 12.5 77.4 7.2 ND
Orange slush- small llaollao* 202.0 8.3 39.5 4.9 ND
Oreo Brownie with yogurt ice cream and chocolate syrup llaollao* 784.0 8.9 79.7 47.8 ND
Pancakes with fruits or crunch, syrup and yogurt ice cream, llaollao* 373.0 7.2 70.6 9.2 ND
Petitllao (frozen yogurt) with 1 topping llaollao* 141.0 3.2 24.4 3.6 ND
Petitllao (frozen yogurt) with fruit topping llaollao* 83.0 2.4 16.0 1.3 ND
Sanum™ (frozen yogurt with fresh fruit, 2 crunch and 2 sauces) llaollao* 308.0 7.2 54.0 5.7 ND
Small tub of frozen yogurt with 1 topping llaollao* 130.0 3.8 21.3 3.2 ND
Waffle with yogurt and syrup llaollao* 474.0 6.5 59.3 24.6 ND
Watermelon slush with frozen yogurt and 2 toppings llaollao* 364.0 4.4 83.5 2.1 ND
Watermelon slush- medium llaollao* 240.0 1.3 58.1 0.4 ND
Watermelon slush- small llaollao* 179.0 0.9 43.5 0.3 ND
Yogurt slush - small llaollao* 266.0 6.6 48.6 4.5 ND
Yogurt slush -medium llaollao* 439.0 11.1 81.2 7.5 ND
Yogurt slush with frozen yogurt and 2 toppings llaollao* 624.0 14.1 103.5 17.6 ND
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